All of these actions must be performed as root on a FreeBSD 3.x system (it may work on a 2.2.x system as well) with a 3dfx Voodoo2 card (a Voodoo Rush or Voodoo Graphics may work- see step 7). For those of you without hardware accelerators, you may use a Mesa library (see NOTES, below). The Q3A Test is FULLY FUNCTIONAL (sound, Internet play, etc.) under FreeBSD.

Last Updated
6/29/99 15:20 EST

To use the new maps, and modify config files, rename your demoq3 directory to baseq3.

A more recent document has been put together by Keith Pitcher, the DeadOfQuake3 Document for FreeBSD/Linux.

  1. Load the Linux emulator using:

  2. Download rpm2cpio, then run:
    chmod 0555 rpm2cpio
    brandelf -t Linux rpm2cpio
    mv rpm2cpio /compat/linux/usr/bin/

  3. Download the q3a-test 1.05 RPM.
    Get the latest from

  4. Install q3a-test from the RPM using:
    /compat/linux/usr/bin/rpm2cpio q3test-1.05-glibc-9.i386.rpm | (cd /compat/linux; cpio --extract --make-directories --verbose --unconditional)
    Zoid corrected the problem with the 1.05 server where it chomps all of your CPU time. Get the updated server program, then install it using:
    cp linuxquake3 /compat/linux/usr/local/games/q3test/
    chmod +x /compat/linux/usr/local/games/q3test/linuxquake3

  5. Download the linux-lib 2.6 package, then run:
    pkg_add linux_lib-2.6.tgz
    cd /compat/linux; mkdir -p .`pwd`; cd .`pwd`/..; rmdir linux && ln -s `cd /compat/linux && pwd` linux

  6. Download the linux-glide 2.4 package, then run:
    pkg_add linux_glide-2.4.tgz

  7. Download the 3dfx Voodoo2 2.53 driver, or Voodoo Rush 2.46 driver, or Voodoo Graphics 2.46 driver RPM.
    Get the latest from

  8. Install the 3dfx driver from the RPM using:
    /compat/linux/usr/bin/rpm2cpio Glide_V2-2_53-1_i386_glibc.rpm | (cd /compat/linux; cpio --extract --make-directories --verbose --unconditional)
    OR, for Voodoo Rush
    /compat/linux/usr/bin/rpm2cpio Glide_VR-2_46-3_i386_glibc.rpm | (cd /compat/linux; cpio --extract --make-directories --verbose --unconditional)
    OR, for Voodoo Graphics
    /compat/linux/usr/bin/rpm2cpio Glide_VG-2_46-1_i386_glibc.rpm | (cd /compat/linux; cpio --extract --make-directories --verbose --unconditional)

  9. Tell the Linux subsystem about these new libraries by running:

  10. Run the GL test application, to verify your installation:

  11. Start your X11 server on the console, then in an xterm, run:
    cd /compat/linux/usr/local/games/q3test
    ./linuxquake3 +set sv_hostname "FreeBSD!"


Brought to you by Mark Taylor. Email me if you have difficulties (or comments).